woodruffw / ff2mpv

A Firefox/Chrome add-on for playing URLs in mpv.

Home Page:https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ff2mpv/

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ff2mpv not working on librewolf

butter2474 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

I press play in MPV and it works in firefox but if I try the same in librewolf it does nothing.

Reproduction steps

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'youtube.com'
  2. Click on 'play in MPV'
  3. Wait.
    4.Video plays (firefox), video never plays (librewolf)

Expected behavior

plays video in MPV

Platform information

  • OS information: Pop!_OS 21.04
  • Firefox version: librewolf 92.0.1
  • MPV version: newest (at the time of writing)
  • youtube-dl version: yt-dlp

Additional context (optional)

I followed every step on the wiki for linux and librewolf and ran "cp -r .mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/ .librewolf/" but it still doesn't work on librewolf.

Thanks for the report. Librewolf currently isn't "officially" supported by ff2mpv, but there are probably people using it and they might have some ideas. I'll leave this open and let them chime in.

Related: #58.

Take a look at that package. It works flawlessly for me. It's probably easy to port it to Ubuntu based distros.

Thanks for sharing that!

I ran the install.sh script, then copied $HOME/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/ff2mpv.json to $HOME/.librewolf/native-messaging-hosts/ff2mpv.json, restarted LibreWolf, opened a YouTube video, clicked on the plugin icon and it worked without any additional setup.
As far as I know, LibreWolf is being built directly from the Firefox code base after applying some patches, so it shouldn't be any different than Firefox and in theory should function the same.
I don't think any of the privacy-related patches implemented by LibreWolf team would affect the plugin but it's a possibility, however the fact it works for me suggests otherwise.

Have you made any changes to the librewolf.overrides.cfg by any chance/changed any settings in about:config?

Closing as stale, since other people seem to be using ff2mpv on Librewolf without issues.