woodruffw / ff2mpv

A Firefox/Chrome add-on for playing URLs in mpv.

Home Page:https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ff2mpv/

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Clicking to Play with MPV does not work.

Werner1201 opened this issue · comments

I've installed ff2mpv and the native client but nothing seem to change that I can't make ff2mpv open any youtube video, but I can open them with mpv and the video link in the terminal.
I'm using Kubuntu 20.04 and I have mpv installed tthrough apt and youtube-dl through pip3.
I'm thinking it has some problem with the url it's receiving from Firefox. but I can't confirm since I don't know how to send a message to the addon. I'll try to change the python script to run with a fixed url to see if it works

I've debugged the extension on the browser and I seems to not give any errors when calling this command browser.runtime.sendNativeMessage("ff2mpv", { url: url });

I'll try to open a terminal with the python script to see if the sendNativeMessage is working

it seems like the python get message does not work.

I've discorvered it executes the python script but it get's stuck at the yt_dl hook
I don't know if it's a problem with my system or not.

SInce I can run it with mpv [youtube-link] in the ternimal I don't see why it does not work on the script

I changed a little to see any glances at why it is not working and the terminal says the yt-dl-hook does not exist but it exists

Same video but not working with the python script but working with the terminal

I found out that there's a permission problem with the way firefox is executing the python command and as consequence it causes yt_dl_hook to have permission problems. as demonstraded with the sudo command on the image

The Addon works with this video here video
just click play with mpv above the video

Bitchute doesn't work as well as liveleak. This sites I tested using the original python script

I found out that there's a permission problem with the way firefox is executing the python command and as consequence it causes yt_dl_hook to have permission problems. as demonstraded with the sudo command on the image

I'm not 100% sure what's happening here, but this sounds like a system configuration issue.

ff2mpv itself does exactly one thing: it sends a message to the native client, which in turn is responsible for unpacking the message and executing mpv. mpv, in turn, needs to appropriately execute youtube-dl, which is where the breakdown seems to be happening on your system. Firefox doesn't know or have any say over how youtube-dl is executed.

If I had to guess, the issue might be that you're installing youtube-dl into a system directory, hence the root permissions. Try removing it and using pip3 install --user youtube-dl instead.

To phrase it better. I'm saying the opposite that you are claiming. My system does not need sudo to run the commands, the mpv [video_link works fine in the terminal, the only thing that doesn't it's the execution of the comm inside the Python script. What I showed here is that it seems like the python script that is being ran by Firefox from ff2mpv is running the mpv command with privileges as I showed the yt-dl_hook error of permissions, and I showed that the only way in my system to get this yt-dl_hook error when running that command is by running with sudo, which indicates a permission problem with the Firefox running the command. That being said, I'll try the pip command to see if this fixes.

this is where the pip3 youtube-dl was

this is where it is installed

here is the mpv info just in case

i'm going to to do a cold boot and see if this works

No change.


What I showed here is that it seems like the python script that is being ran by Firefox from ff2mpv is running the mpv command with privileges as I showed the yt-dl_hook error of permissions, and I showed that the only way in my system to get this yt-dl_hook error when running that command is by running with sudo, which indicates a permission problem with the Firefox running the command.

Okay, now I understand. Thanks.

Could you give me the outputs to each of these commands?

which firefox mpv youtube-dl
stat firefox mpv youtube-dl

My current guess is that Firefox is running as another user, which means that the native client doesn't have youtube-dl in its PATH. That, or it's being run through a mechanism that doesn't start it through a login shell, which is where people usually put their PATH modifications.

So, another question: how are you running Firefox?

What I showed here is that it seems like the python script that is being ran by Firefox from ff2mpv is running the mpv command with privileges as I showed the yt-dl_hook error of permissions, and I showed that the only way in my system to get this yt-dl_hook error when running that command is by running with sudo, which indicates a permission problem with the Firefox running the command.

Okay, now I understand. Thanks.

Could you give me the outputs to each of these commands?

which firefox mpv youtube-dl
stat firefox mpv youtube-dl

Strangely enough stat doesn't give me anything with the program names

here is stats with the place of the programs

looks like firefox runs using root

only the youtube-dl is uid user

Strangely enough stat doesn't give me anything with the program names

Whoops, that was my fault. Looks like you figured it out, though.

only the youtube-dl is uid user

Those are just the file UID/GID, which don't necessarily reflect the process's runtime (E)UID and (E)GID. It makes sense that those two are owned by root, since they're presumably installed by the system package manager.

Can you give me the result of this command, while running Firefox in the background?

ps aux | grep firefox

Also, just FYI: I get a separate notification every time you write a separate comment on this issue. If you can, please try to consolidate your comments so that this thread is less noisy/easier for others to cross-reference in the future.

Strangely enough stat doesn't give me anything with the program names

Whoops, that was my fault. Looks like you figured it out, though.

only the youtube-dl is uid user

Those are just the file UID/GID, which don't necessarily reflect the process's runtime (E)UID and (E)GID. It makes sense that those two are owned by root, since they're presumably installed by the system package manager.

Can you give me the result of this command, while running Firefox in the background?

ps aux | grep firefox

Also, just FYI: I get a separate notification every time you write a separate comment on this issue. If you can, please try to consolidate your comments so that this thread is less noisy/easier for others to cross-reference in the future.

Okay, I'll try that command, And I'll consolidate the replies.
here's the result of the ps | grep command: (figured a text file would be more readable and grepable for you)

Okay, Firefox is definitely running as your user. So that's not the problem.

How exactly are you running Firefox? For example: are you clicking on an icon to start it, or are you running it through some sort of DE/WM launcher?

Okay. Two things, then:

  • Try running Firefox from a terminal (just run firefox), and then try using ff2mpv.
  • If the above works, try modifying your .desktop file to something like this:
Exec=bash -c "firefox %U"

...and let me know if that works.

I just tested running firefox with bash -c in the ternimal and the extension worked but when I write it to the execution .desktop it does not work
After that the addon worked. I'll try something else and come back with the result in this comment

So, I'm making a new reply because it seems to be a problem with the way the desktop links are put together that the %U parameter after the program command makes the program not work if run with bash -c
When it is without the default %U the addon works. I think this "bug" is related to zsh and the way it is handeling t%he execution of the programs on Kubuntu

Nevermind All I said, %U is explained here To Drag a link to desktop ??? seems like it belongs to FIrefox but initializing the program with %U nullifies the addon for some reason.
May I also add that the command you gave me to add to the .desktop gives me that there's no '-c' command
Yep. Confirmed, I can make it work if I remove the %U command from the .desktop even without the bash -c there, this means it has some problem with this %U

May I add that my shell is zsh. Will it influence the result?

It shouldn't, but I don't know anything about zsh.

Yep. Confirmed, I can make it work if I remove the %U command from the .desktop even without the bash -c there, this means it has some problem with this %U

Just to clarify: you mean that ff2mpv works without any other changes, as long as you remove %U from your .desktop file?

May I add that my shell is zsh. Will it influence the result?

It shouldn't, but I don't know anything about zsh.

Yep. Confirmed, I can make it work if I remove the %U command from the .desktop even without the bash -c there, this means it has some problem with this %U

Just to clarify: you mean that ff2mpv works without any other changes, as long as you remove %U from your .desktop file?

Yes that's what I meant. And I may add that the %U is from the Exec command that is already executed by kde
Oh I should also Add that trying to execute firefox via pure zsh only running firefox on the terminal does not allow the addon to work it only works with bash. Wierd... I see that the install script uses a BASH_SOURCE[0] variable, maybe that causes the problem ? I don't think it will because it's just getting the current directory.

Yes that's what I meant

Okay, that's a mystery to me. My understanding of %U is that it's used for drag-and-drop operations with one or more URLs, so it shouldn't affect addons whatsoever.

In any case, it's Linux distro dumbness and therefore outside of the scope of ff2mpv. I'll add some notes to the Wiki documenting it as a potential problem.

. My understanding of %U is that it's used for drag-and-drop operations with one or more URLs, so it shouldn't affect addons whatsoever.

Maybe It affects it because you communicate with outside programs ? with the message thing ?

In any case, it's Linux distro dumbness and therefore outside of the scope of ff2mpv. I'll add some notes to the Wiki documenting it as a potential problem.

Okay, Thanks for your patience. It kinda works and the %U doesn't really affect me very much.

Maybe It affects it because you communicate with outside programs ? with the message thing ?

Possibly, but that isn't documented anywhere. That would also break a whole bunch of other extensions (like password managers) that use the same mechanism, which is why it surprises me.

Okay, Thanks for your patience. It kinda works and the %U doesn't really affect me very much.

No problem. I've added some notes to the wiki reflecting your problem. Thanks for helping debug it.