wonday / react-native-pdf

A <Pdf /> component for react-native

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Pdf not loading first time in Android ,gives error open failed:ENONT

Abhishektaurus opened this issue · comments

What react-native version are you using?

What react-native-pdf version are you using?

What platform does your issue occur on? (android/ios/both)

Describe your issue as precisely as possible :

  1. Steps to reproduce the issue or to explain in which case you get the issue

This issue is coming on Android device only for the first time, whenever I open the PDF file page, it shows loading continuously and after going back and forth, it shows the pdf. This issue is coming for fresh users for the first time and I have shared the logs which I got if I stay on the loading page only.

  1. Interesting logs
    No such file '/data/user/0/com.example.app/files/doc.pdf'; /data/user/0/com.example.app/files/doc.pdf: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) "https%3A%2F%2Fcustom.cvent.com/ECAEE9AB812E47DC813BADF3B284DF14/files/e0237949440a4d0c9a4dc1184591dcb8.pdf"

Can you please help me in this as I am stuck in this issue ? Don't know how to proceed.
Thanks in advance!!

Join a screenshot or video of the problem on the simulator or device?

Show us the code you are using?

same issue

same issue


for me, adding trustAllCerts={false} prop solved the issue

I am already using this prop but still facing this issue
and I think there is an issue in caching in the library maybe for that reason, it is failing at first time only.
@wonday can you please help?

for me, adding trustAllCerts={false} prop solved the issue

Worked for me

style={{ flex: 1 }}
renderActivityIndicator={() => (

onPressLink={async uri => {
LOG.debug(Attempting to handle opening link "${uri}");
try {
if (uri.startsWith('mailto:') || uri.startsWith('tel:')) {
if (await Linking.canOpenURL(uri)) {
} else {
Device does not have an app installed to support ${uri}
} else {
} catch (error) {
LOG.error(Error handling pressing link ${uri}. ${error.message});
flex: 1,
width: '100%',
height: '100%'


I am passing trustAllCerts={false} already, but the clients are facing the issue of PDF not loading first time intermittently...

@wonday @coyksdev @Tamiyadd