wonday / react-native-orientation-locker

A react-native module that can listen on orientation changing of device, get current orientation, lock to preferred orientation.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

orientationDidChange delay 1 step

LuongTruong opened this issue · comments

Hi @wonday , I just find out there is an interesting issue.


orientationDidChange will be delayed in iPad if we set upside down to be true.

For example, we open the app on iPad in "portrait" and rotate it to "landscape", orientationDidChange won't fire. Later we rotate it to "portrait", orientationDidChange fires and return value "landscapeLeft/landscapeRight"

How to fix it:

Simply disable upside down for iPad and everything works like a charm

I create this for people who get the same issue like me. Can you please make a note in README.md

Thank you for the awesome lib 😄

I had added it to README

@wonday Do you know of any workarounds for this? I actually need the upside-down orientation. I'm building an app that communicates with card readers that attach via the lightning port. When swiping a credit card, the most convenient way to hold the iPad is upside down.

I just migrated my app to RN 0.63 and a new XCode version. XCode wouldn't let me build the app if I wouldn't add support for upside-down. This was due to multitasking support on iPad, according to XCode.