I cannot assemble the version TensorFlow for Mac OS
DmitryRyumin opened this issue · comments
I cannot assemble the version TensorFlow for Mac OS!
It seems I do everything according to the instructions but I get an error on the output
ValueError: Didn't find custom op for name 'Convolution2DTransposeBias' with version 1
1. Step:
Moved all files from folder .../mediapipe/util/tflite/operations to folder .../tensorflow/tensorflow/lite/python/custom_ops/
2. Step:
BUILD fixed in folder .../tensorflow/tensorflow/lite/python/custom_ops/
licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2.0
package(default_visibility = [
name = "max_pool_argmax",
srcs = ["max_pool_argmax.cc"],
hdrs = ["max_pool_argmax.h"],
deps = [
name = "max_unpooling",
srcs = ["max_unpooling.cc"],
hdrs = ["max_unpooling.h"],
deps = [
name = "transpose_conv_bias",
srcs = ["transpose_conv_bias.cc"],
hdrs = ["transpose_conv_bias.h"],
deps = [
3. Step:
Configure the build
4. Step:
bazel build --action_env PATH="$PATH" --noincompatible_strict_action_env --config=opt --incompatible_disable_deprecated_attr_params=false //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
5. Step:
./bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package ./tensorflow_pkg
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Problem resolved
How did you solve that? Can you tell us more in detail?