woltapp / wolt_modal_sheet

This package provides a responsive modal with multiple pages, motion animation for page transitions, and scrollable content within each page.

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I found the background can not set as pure COlors.white?

luohao123 opened this issue · comments

It will override by another tint color,

cosnider support it and fix it?

At Wolt we are using pure white. Can you share a screenshot? Alternatively, to be on the safe side, you can set the tint color to be transparent in the theme data extension as in this example


@ulusoyca Am using themeData with useMaterial=3, and with a theme seed of Colors.purple.

So when I set COlors.red as background color, it works, but when set pure white, it will always overwrite.

@luohao123 Have you tried to set the surfaceTintColor to Colors.transparent

@luohao123 I was getting the same error, but after defining what @ulusoyca suggested it worked. Thanks. This is my code:

AppTheme.defaultTheme: ThemeData(
fontFamily: FontFamily.euclidCircularBRegular,
scaffoldBackgroundColor: AppColors.scaffoldBgColor,
extensions: const [
modalBarrierColor: Colors.transparent,
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
surfaceTintColor: Colors.transparent,
mainContentScrollPhysics: ClampingScrollPhysics(),

There is a fix by @yusufnadar . You can set the surfaceTintColor to Colors.transparent to avoid this. It will be released next week.

@ulusoyca thanks, does it works in pub.dev?

Does surffaceIntColor can set in Walt widget rather than using themeData?

BTW, wanna further ask, does it support some bouncing pop up animation built-in in walt? I really want the animation more smooth.