wolkykim / qlibc

qLibc is a simple and yet powerful C library providing generic data structures and algorithms.

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After ./configure, should these files be ignored or committed back?

netpoetica opened this issue · comments

After running configure, some files appear in the repo to be modified but without any actual difference in a git diff. It is strange because these files appear as "Untracked", but they existed in the repo right after pulling - for example, Makefile. Additionally, even after running make clean these files are still modified.

What is the suggested method of keeping the repo clean for committing changes upstream for a pull request?

➜  qlibc git:(master) ✗ git st
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


Qlibc doesn't use those files. I think all of them will be removed in the future versions of the library.

Yah it looks like they are just from stuff generated by CMake - adding them to the gitignore will ensure that contributors won't accidentally try to commit them upstream from their fork - do you think this pull request will solve this problem or be helpful?

Initially qlibc used GNU autotools (I'm not sure, but it seems to be right), but a few time age I proposed to use CMake to support Windows/MacOS X (and other unixes) the most consistent way. So, config.log and other files are artifacts generated by GNU autotools.

I think your contribution is very helpful as long as configure script is used.
Please don't hesitate to do a contributon again 👍

"make distclean" will clean that out.