wojtryb / Shortcut-Composer

Krita plugin for creating complex keyboard shortcuts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Transform actions don't work on any document other than the first one created

wojtryb opened this issue · comments

General info

  • Plugin version: 1.0.0+
  • Operating System: Windows 10, Ubuntu 22.04

Bug description
Citing karemuvar on krita artists: https://krita-artists.org/t/shortcut-composer-v1-2-2-plugin-for-pie-menus-multiple-key-assignment-mouse-trackers-and-more/55314/200?u=wojtryb

For some reason the liquify transform works properly only with the first document I open in Krita. If I open more than one document the shortcut for the liquify tool only activates the regular transform 😦