wojtekmaj / react-datetime-picker

A datetime picker for your React app.

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Bug: Calendar does not open after first clicking clock input

felixwaldbach opened this issue Β· comments

First of all thanks for the cool date picker packages πŸ‘
However I found a bug where the calendar widget does not open after first clicking into the clock input when the flag disableClock is set to true. To reproduce, navigate into this codesandbox:


First click into the clock input and after click into on of the date inputs. You will see that the calendar does not show, however when you click outside of the component and back into the date input, it does show.

Actually, this was focused in #381 already. But thanks for reporting and thanks for fantastic repro!

Duplicate of #355

Since you took so much effort I quickly made v5.2.1 release for you :)

Since you took so much effort I quickly made v5.2.1 release for you :)

wow thank you, I appreciate it!!! that's great. honestly, the only reason i wanted to disable the clock is because i don't see the value in having that. I expected this popup to be a time select like so:


have you thought about implementing this as a feature for this package?


Hah, that's indeed much better, and much more in line with what browsers display in native HTML time picker. Definitely an option I'd want to have.