wojtekmaj / enzyme-adapter-react-17

Unofficial adapter for React 17 for Enzyme.

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Adpater is undefined if imported from Typescript

sylvaindesve opened this issue · comments


I tried to use the adapter in a Typescript environment.

My .mocharc.json require ts-node and my adapter setup file:

  "recursive": true,
  "require": [

My support.tsfile is:

// ./spec/support.ts
import * as Enzyme from "enzyme";
import Adapter from "@wojtekmaj/enzyme-adapter-react-17";

console.log("Adapter =", Adapter); // Adapter = undefined

Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });

The imported Adapter is undefined. It works fine though in Javascript.

  "recursive": true,
  "require": [
// ./spec/support.js
const Enzyme = require("enzyme");
const Adapter = require("@wojtekmaj/enzyme-adapter-react-17");

Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });

Does enzyme-adapter-react-16 used to work for you the same way?

I never used Enzyme before and started at React 17 from the get go.

But for curiosity I ran yarn add --dev enzyme-adapter-react-16 @types/enzyme-adapter-react-16 and it seems like the adapter isn't exported the same way. I had to import it with:

import * as Adapter from "enzyme-adapter-react-16";

Whereas the React 17 adapter has to be imported with:

import Adapter from "@wojtekmaj/enzyme-adapter-react-17";

So I think this is just a slight change in index.d.ts to get it working.
Maybe look into https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/types/enzyme-adapter-react-16/index.d.ts ?

Typings are maintained by community here as I don't have knowledge in this matter. Feel free to raise PR if you know how to change it and how to test it.