woheller69 / gpscockpit

Android GPS dashboard and head-up display

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

second tab with average velocity

paulle opened this issue · comments

First thank you for this nice app.
What do you think about a second tab showing average speed and two graphs, speed over time and altitude over time.

This would require to make this a tracking app, because you need to store all positions over time to calculate that.
I think such a feature should rather be built on top of a GPS tracking app.

an option to change range for slow speeds should be possible. Will think about it

Please try. You can change the speed range by clicking on the speedometer.

Rename to .apk (simply remove .zip)


Maybe you want to try this version.

When the START button is pressed travel distance is recorded (horizontal movement and also
accumulated up and down movements). A change is only recognized and added to the distance if
the position changes by more than 2x GPS accuracy for horizontal movement and 3x GPS accuracy for
vertical movements and only if accuracy is at least 15m.

At the moment there is also a counter which is increased every time a new location is received.
This is for debug purposes only, in order to see if the app freezes due to power management. See below.
Later this counter will be removed and average speed can be displayed instead.

Depending on the device this may or may not work with screen off.
Some manufacturers have implemented hostile energy management options and do not respect
app permissions for holding wake locks or ignore battery optimizations.

See https://dontkillmyapp.com/

As an example this works very well with my phone based on LineageOS and does not work well with my
Samsung tablet. There after maybe 30min with screen off the app stops measuring distance.

does it also work with screen off or even in background for a longer period of time (> 1h)?
There should be about 1800 counts per hour.
(Location should roughly update every 2 seconds)

Another update. Added average speed and max speed.
The counter for debug purpose is now at the top. Will be removed in future.

Should be quite close to a release now :-)


And the app is working in the background too. Tested one hour.

Great. Here comes another update which might is a release candidate.

Installed, will test tomorrow

Another final (?) change: Different layout for landscape orientation.


Landscape is fine

On my phone the 0.0 and START button are also visible in landscape mode but that of course depends on the aspect ratio.
When testing please also change orientation while tracking distance and altitude up/down to see if orientation changes are handled correctly. But as far as I can see so far everything works fine. On large tablets the layout is still not great but this is something for the future. Maybe there is a layout expert around who wants to help...

Another update. Had to fix a bug when phone orientation was changed while app running in background.
In this case the debug counter - and of course all other values - resumed with the state when sent to background.


Some more fixes. Values were reset when switching between day / night mode (also when done automatically by system


Released V1.3