wjf5203 / SeqFormer

SeqFormer: Sequential Transformer for Video Instance Segmentation (ECCV 2022 Oral)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi, can you please realese the remained pretrained weights of Swin Transformer?

xiaocc612 opened this issue · comments

It seems the pretrianed weights of Swin variants ['swin_t_p4w7', 'swin_s_p4w7', 'swin_b_p4w7', 'swin_l_p4w7', 'swin_l_p4w12'] is not provided, can you kindly realse these pretrained weights ? Thanks. : )

Hi, thanks for your attention.
We have provided 'swin_l_p4w12' model pretrained on coco in our model zoo.
For more pretrained Swin models, you can directly download weights from https://github.com/microsoft/Swin-Transformer.