wizzardo / webery

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nullpointer exception while reading request.data or request.getBody().bytes

The-Neo-Noir opened this issue · comments

I was trying to run webery on google cloudrun, I experience the NullPointerException while reading the request.data for post methods.

hello, can you please provide more information? can you reproduce it locally? is it multipart-post?

The same thing works fine in locally and a docker container as well. However once it goes into cloud run it fails.

It's not a multipart post , just a json data post.

public SubmissionControllerRest() {
        post((JsonResponseHandler) (request, response) -> {
            System.out.println("Starting to retrieve data"+request.data()); // request.data() is null, 
  private interface JsonResponseHandler extends Handler {
        Object process(Request request, Response response);

        default Response handle(Request request, Response response) throws IOException {
            return response
                    .setBody(JsonTools.serializeToBytes(process(request, response)))
                    .appendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", request.header(Header.KEY_ORIGIN, "*"));

I have excluded code that's failing further down in the lambda process method. I am pretty sure it's something to do with the Google CloudRun environment. But could not figure out why. By the way the get requests are working fine. So I assume the epoll is not the problem.

I am on 0.4 version of http

I changed to http server instead of the web server and the problem seems to be gone. Closing this issue