wizzardo / webery

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Separate http(2) handlers from the rest of the core module

miere opened this issue · comments

I'm developing an application which requires an embedded http(1.1/2) server. As Undertow's footprint seems to skyrocketing since its first version, I've decided to give wizzardo a try. My only concern is its footprint as well. It seems that the core module have more than one functionality along with the Http Server like DI, URL Mapping, Taglibs, Filters and stuff like that.

Is it possible to have a core-functionality-only in a separated dependency? Does it make sense for the future development of your framework?

BTW, great job!


hi, what footprint are you talking about? Size of jar with dependencies?

Right now jar with all dependencies is less than 1mb, but it's a good idea to separate logic to different dependencies, I will do it in a couple of weeks