wix-incubator / mjml-react

React component library to generate the HTML emails on the fly

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Very confused about version system

callumlocke opened this issue · comments

Hi! We have recently started using MJML and mjml-react, and they are really useful so far, thanks for making them. But in trying to debug a build problem (which may or may not involve mjml-react), I am stuck because I can't figure out your versioning system at all.

  • The most recent published version on npm, is 1.0.55.
  • The package.json version in master is 1.0.0.
  • The latest tag is something called dummy (?), also at 1.0.0, and seems to be pretty much the same as master.
  • Other releases/tags have names like RC;.;1.30.0, which I guess are release candidates? They seem to have higher version numbers than anything yet released to npm, but they seem to be behind master?
  • I can't find any changelog or release notes anywhere. And without git tags or even changes to the package.json version string, I can't see any reasonable way to work out for myself what the difference is between 1.0.54 and 1.0.55, for example.

Can someone shed some light?


mjml-react library is build using our internal build tool. Basically every commit to master is new minor version of npm package.

Npm package versions are listed here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/mjml-react (click on versions tab)
Commits to master are listed here: https://github.com/wix-incubator/mjml-react/commits/master