withfig / autocomplete

IDE-style autocomplete for your existing terminal & shell

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[nx] autocomplete doesn't work properly anymore

overbit opened this issue · comments

Sanity checks

  • My issue relates to a specific CLI completion spec (e.g. git checkout is missing options in git completion spec). If your issue is more general, please create your issue here: withfig/fig
  • I have searched github.com/withfig/autocomplete/issues and there are no duplicates of my issue
  • I would like to work on this.

What CLI tool does this relate to?


Which statement makes the most sense?

This completion spec isn't complete

Issue Details

Since #1915 the nx autocomplete doesn't prompt commands shown in the documentation anymore (https://fig.io/manual/nx).

The most annoying miss is, of course the nx serve.


I'm looking into this.

I have reverted the PR so this should be fixed while I understand what is the issue.

@overbit what version of nx are you using?


    "@nrwl/cypress": "15.4.5",
    "@nrwl/devkit": "^15.4.5",
    "@nrwl/eslint-plugin-nx": "15.4.5",
    "@nrwl/express": "15.4.5",
    "@nrwl/jest": "15.4.5",
    "@nrwl/js": "15.4.5",
    "@nrwl/linter": "15.4.5",
    "@nrwl/nest": "15.4.5",
    "@nrwl/node": "15.4.5",
    "@nrwl/nx-cloud": "15.0.3",
    "@nrwl/react": "15.4.5",
    "@nrwl/storybook": "15.4.5",
    "@nrwl/web": "15.4.5",
    "@nrwl/webpack": "15.4.5",
    "@nrwl/workspace": "15.4.5",

You said you reverted it but I can I get the latest version? fig update returns that I'm running the latest. @fedeci

Sorry to drop in but the CLI documentation of NX is here: https://nx.dev/reference/commands#nx-cli-commands

The https://fig.io/manual/nx is some internal fig documentation that have not been updated.

Can you say what commands are missing? Because I removed all deprecated ones and wonder if I messed something up.

@fedeci it would be great if we had a chat before this was reverted. Because right now there are a few guys that are wonder why the autocomplete for nx is again so poor.

Just saw... the nx serve you are missing is implemented with the run-derived-subcommands like the nx build is created the same way that you can see in your screenshot: (

const RUN_DERIVED_BASE_TARGETS = ["build", "e2e", "lint", "serve", "test"];

For this you must know how the nx run command works and what that run-derived-subcommands are.

Every time you are using nx serve something the nx cli is executing nx run something:serve:configuration.

The only thing I noticed is that you are executing the nx command with npx nx but this should also work to give you a list with all projects.

@fedeci sorry to speak out this way but the screenshot has exactly zero value, because it is alphabetical and you can scroll into it what you can't see here... also I am sure that if @overbit did put in npx nx s that the serve command would have been there. So I completely can not understand the decision of reverting.

@fedeci the serve command is only visible when there is at least one project that has this target. Basically every app has this command. If you type nx outside a nx-repo there will be no serve because there is no project.json to check and fill up the projects, targets and configurations.

@ikosta Got it, I was testing it like that. However in my repro I do not have apps or libs but I do have packages and preProcessProjects is not working correctly.

@fedeci can you provide me a repo to check that

I am correcting it and pushing to main, I am adding you as co-author for the PR @ikosta, so that you get credit for the commits.

@fedeci can you provide me a repo to check that

npx create-nx-workspace@latest myorg --preset=ts does the work

I am correcting it and pushing to main, I am adding you as co-author for the PR @ikosta, so that you get credit for the commits.

I don't care about getting credit. Just want to have it next level autocomplete 😝

@fedeci can you provide me a repo to check that

npx create-nx-workspace@latest myorg --preset=ts does the work

ok... that's a new release with nx 16... let ne check what happens there

libs and apps dirs are stored in the nx.json so we can retrieve them easily.

for nx@16 yes... but nx@15 does not have this entries


We fallback to apps and libs for previous versions. I can assume @overbit was wrong, but we still got a future issue.


We fallback to apps and libs for previous versions. I can assume @overbit was wrong, but we still got a future issue.

Yes... since nx@16. Thanks for fixing that. maybe we should abort the find for project.json's if there is no nx.json in the execution directory... this would fix an issue when having plenty nx-repos and execute the nx-autocomplete on the ../ directory... would load all project.json's from all repos right now.

I will fix that next week and open a PR... thanks @fedeci

@ikosta is it doing that rn? When nx.json is missing cat nx.json is non-zero and executeShellCommand rejects so the directory lookup should occurr.

Yeah... you fixed that by accident 😉

Hi guys, since amplication is opensource, you can validate yourself the autocomplete here https://github.com/amplication/amplication.
Right now, the autocomplete is much worst than before since only few projects are shown (before all the projects wehere displayed)


@fedeci sorry to speak out this way but the screenshot has exactly zero value, because it is alphabetical and you can scroll into it what you can't see here... also I am sure that if @overbit did put in npx nx s that the serve command would have been there. So I completely can not understand the decision of reverting.

As shown in the video, putting npx nx s won't open the serve suggestion..
@ikosta @fedeci

npx nx affected:apps & npx nx affected:libs -> deprecated -> not implemented in the new version. use npx nx print-affected instead

The repo you provided is in nx@15.4 and has a workspace.json and alsoproject.json's in the libs and packages directories. Since the workspace.json is not needed this is a misconfiguration on your end. Also the base directories are libs and apps and there is a property workspaceLayout in the nx.json where you can change that.

Overall you use deprecated commands and the repo has a misconfiguration.

ok... you have that configured

let me check where the error is

ok... found the error... sorry you have all correct configured

@overbit you can maybe hot fix that till the PR is released by adding the misspelled appDir in the workspaceLayout.

Nice finding!