wislon / monodroid-locationservice-bootstrap

Xamarin (Mono for Android) bootstrap application for quickly getting a simple location monitoring service up and running, and capturing location-based data.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Best way to get the captured data off the device

wislon opened this issue · comments

  • Will depend on how the data is persisted. Text file can just be moved/copied, database needs an export of some sort.
  • Copy to external/public place on the file system, so user can pull it off? Only works if they've got a USB connection or can use something to share it via something else (dropbox, email, etc.).
  • Dump it to some sort of web service? User would need to implement that part... or we'd need to write some sort of public repo for it... NoSQL anyone?

In order to keep it simple, we'll just implement the default TextFilePersistenceContext version, which will simply copy the text file from its private location, to the environment's 'Download' folder, which is pretty much publicly accessible, by user and apps. From there it can be shared, or copied across manually

this will put it at

/mnt/Android/Data/[your package name]/files/Downloads

from where you can get to it via most file managers,

which is not the same as the standard OS downloads folder (which appears to be at /mnt/sdcard/downloads - but I don't know if that's consistent across all devices)

First set of commits for this. Not done yet though, still need to be able to export the file when the service is NOT running. Currently it's done through the repository and persistence engine, which only exists while the service is running.