wiserim / phaser-raycaster

Raycasting plugin for Phaser 3. Documentation:

Home Page:https://wiserim.github.io/phaser-raycaster/

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.lenght instead of .length in 0.10.7

dreasgrech opened this issue · comments

There are two instances in 0.10.7 where .lenght is used instead of .length

if (childPoints.lenght > 0) {

points[points.lenght - 1].neighbours.pop();

Thank you for noticing these typos.
After checking the code I've noticed that for some reason after building library in some places Array.slice() method was replaced by Array.splice().

I'll publish fixes after I'll find reason of the problem above.

Version 0.10.8 has been released.
Pull request: #45

I've fixed typos you've noticed.

Turns out I had also a problem with a faulty linter.
Not only it didn't detected typos, but also "fixed" code in one of source files despite the fact autocorrect was disabled.
Reinstalling it fixed the problem.