wirekang / kysely-playground

Playground for kysely, a type-safe sql builder.

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Short link fails with firebase error

RobinClowers opened this issue · comments

This project is really cool, thank you!

When I click on the "short link for discord" button, I see this error in the lower left:

share: FirebaseError: [code=permission-denied]: Missing or insufficient permissions.

Hi. I think you are trying to share very large size of codes. Is it right?

Yes, that is correct. Maybe that's just a limitation?

Sorry for the late response. I just increased the limitation twice. Let me know if you are still getting the error.

Still happening unfortunately. Here are the request and response if that's helpful.

Request ``` GET /google.firestore.v1.Firestore/Write/channel?gsessionid=fcKu_R8RonW6ztP4abWAajTKXVavK3vANo5j6VIHRGg&VER=8&database=projects%2Fkysely-playground%2Fdatabases%2F(default)&RID=rpc&SID=0t_IhvVr-QSDEXtmZYocuQ&CI=0&AID=0&TYPE=xmlhttp&zx=6i56alsrrjgb&t=1 HTTP/3 Host: firestore.googleapis.com User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/117.0 Accept: */* Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br Referer: https://kyse.link/ Origin: https://kyse.link Alt-Used: firestore.googleapis.com Connection: keep-alive Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site Sec-GPC: 1 TE: trailers ```
Response ``` 63 [[1,[{ "streamId": "0", "streamToken": "GRBoQgKB9LW1" } ]]]146 [[2,{"__sm__":{"status":[[{"error":{"code":403,"message":"Missing or insufficient permissions.","status":"PERMISSION_DENIED"}}]]}}],[3,["close"]]] ```

Could you share your playground code?

Sure thing:

Long link

Playground Link

It seems the link is not working... maybe because it's too long? I increased the limitation again. How long is your code?

It's ~1300 lines of types generated https://github.com/RobinBlomberg/kysely-codegen.

Firebase provides a total free quota of 1 GB, so I can't allow uploading too large code, taking several kilobytes. Please consider minimal reproduction repository instead of playground.