wireghoul / doona

Network based protocol fuzzer

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error on latest version of Kali

griddd opened this issue · comments

Hi wireghoul,

I've been seeing a fatal error when trying to run any module. The error is "Can't locate object method "new" via package "bedmod::http" (perhaps you forgot to load "bedmod::http"?) at ./doona.pl line 57

Doona was working fine up until I did an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade on Kali earlier this week. Since I haven't made any mods to the HTTP module (or any other module), I suspect it may have something to do with an upgraded version of Perl (5.22.2-5). Do you have any suggestions on resolving this error?

Not at a pc right now, but could you please provive a copy/paste of your doona command line and output. Thanks

Screenshot is below...appreciate the support!

That version is quite old, can you try pulling down the code from git and running that instead?

Darn, still didn't work...as you can see from the screenshot below

Can you tell me the path to doona and can you try running it from within the doona directory using ./doona.pl instead? I'm thinking its a path issue.

It's installed at /usr/share/doona. I ran ./doona.pl -m HTTP -t IP address from within /usr/share/doona and got the same error as above.

use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;

Thanks for the tip, wireghoul...adding these 2 lines at the top of doona.pl worked nicely! This fix also worked with the BED tool (added those same lines at the top of bed.pl).

I entered this as a bug at the Kali website here: https://bugs.kali.org/view.php?id=3608, but will update it with your fix.

There is a number of code issues left over from forking BED that causes breakage with this as it globs for .pm files under bedmod in the current working directory. So you can't even install the bedmod packages in the correct perl lib (@inc) directory.

I've been cleaning up code in several places including better safe loading of TFTP, I'll add library path fixing to the long list of fixes.

Ok, thanks very much for the work!