wireapp / wire-desktop

:computer: Wire for desktop

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Duplicate Message Sending

ColeyHatt opened this issue · comments

Wire version: Version 3.30.4368

Wire for web version: Wire for Web Version 2023.

Operating system: Windows 10 Pro 2H22

Which antivirus software do you have installed: ESET

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Sending a message from the PC version
  2. Wait
  3. Opening the IOS app

What is the expected result?

The same single message on both apps.

What is the actual result?

Two separate messages one from the mobile device and another message with the same content from the PC version

Please provide any additional information below. Attach a screenshot if possible.

With other peoples messages removed for privacy reasons:
I have been working on looking into why it does this but I figure if other people have it might be easier to collaborate. Two heads are better than one, after all.

I have also posted this to the IOS issues board as it pertains to that app as well.


This is known and will be fixed in the next webapp release.