wireapp / wire-desktop

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Linux: Dark Theme not applied at start-up

Urfoex opened this issue · comments

Version 3.25.2940
Wire for Web Version 2021.
$ uname -a
Linux Ryzen 5.10.0-6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.28-1 (2021-04-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. start wire desktop
  2. set Dark Theme
  3. quit wire desktop
  4. start wire desktop

What is the expected result?

Dark Theme is turned on.

What is the actual result?

Dark Theme is turned off.

Please provide any additional information below. Attach a screenshot if possible.

From the logs:
[2021-05-13 04:10:14] [@wireapp/desktop/preload-webview.js] Switching initial dark mode off ...
[2021-05-13 04:10:14] [@wireapp/desktop/preload-webview.js] Received amplify event "wire.webapp.lifecycle.loaded", forwarding event ...
[2021-05-13 04:10:15] [@wireapp/desktop/preload-webview.js] Received amplify event "wire.webapp.lifecycle.unread_count" (count: "1"), forwarding event ...
[2021-05-13 04:10:16] [@wireapp/desktop/preload-webview.js] Received amplify event "wire.webapp.lifecycle.unread_count" (count: "1"), forwarding event ...
[2021-05-13 04:10:15] [@wireapp/desktop/preload-webview.js] Switching initial dark mode off ...
[2021-05-13 04:10:15] [@wireapp/desktop/preload-webview.js] Received amplify event "wire.webapp.lifecycle.loaded", forwarding event ...
[2021-05-13 04:10:16] [@wireapp/desktop/preload-webview.js] Received amplify event "wire.webapp.lifecycle.unread_count" (count: "0"), forwarding event ...
[2021-05-13 04:10:16] [@wireapp/desktop/preload-webview.js] Received amplify event "wire.webapp.lifecycle.unread_count" (count: "0"), forwarding event ...
[2021-05-13 04:10:39] [@wireapp/desktop/preload-webview.js] Received amplify event "wire.webapp.lifecycle.unread_count" (count: "0"), forwarding event ...

Same for the Windows desktop client. Always reproducible! Version 3.25.4071

Still happening on Version 3.25.2940, Wire for Web Version 2021. (Ubuntu Linux 20.04).
It does happen more often when the app works in the background (no quitting of the Desktop App) and the app is opened again, maybe after it was idle for a time.
It is almost every day and sometimes more than once a day. Very annoying.
It is happens in both accounts (signed in in the same app), usually synchronously. Interestingly it does not happen in the third account connected in the Wire Desktop App!
Thanks for looking into this, it is a daily nuissance!


On macOS it hasn't happened to me except when starting the app and does still happen indeed. The regression happened in 3.25.4095 and is still in 3.26.4145 on macOS.

Version 3.26.4124
Wire for Web Version 2021.
Win7 x64 using Wire Desktop client

Every launch of the application causes wire to forget dark mode and go back to light

Same here,
Dark Mode after Exit or Restart Wire app in Windows doesn't preserve the settings.


Hoping for a fix. 👍


Is anyone looking into this? It's pretty frustrating because it happened in a release that claimed to fix the dark theme, "Dark mode is not applied at startup". So all it would take is reverting the, at this point rather obviously broken, fix and only reapplying it after proper testing.

I realize the desktop app might be a second-class citizen but this is a very annoying problem that would be rather easily fixed, at least temporarily.

I also agree. Same happens to me. At least please tell us how to set this setting manually. I use archlinux and have found 2 settings files in ~/.config/wire. If you just tell the settings it would be easy.

one does also get blinded (by a white screen) at night when updating to a new version on macOS..

Please fix this simple issue.

Same here, running on wire-desktop 3.26.2941-1, Arch Linux

I have this issue when running the Flatpak version 3.26.2941-2941, installed via Discover (KDE) and Flathub.

The theme resets on every quit/reopen of the app. Also, the menu bar is white, even if Dark Theme is set.
The file picker dialogue is also white theme, no matter what.

Installing with the deb (version 3.26.2941), on Kubuntu 21.10, the app theme follows system theme (Dark), and the menubar is dark if dark is set.
The file dialogue is dark, though the icons are from white-theme (i.e. they are grey/dark in color).

Still happens on the latest desktop version for Windows (3.26.4124)

Hi. I just got this to work. I did install wire with "git clone https://github.com/wireapp/wire-desktop.git" and then did "yarn" and "yarn start" in the cloned folder, just like it says in the description here..

To be able to run yarn I had to update nodejs as my user. It was a hustle for me but I first listed available versions with "nvm ls-remote" and then installed the latest LTS version with "nvm install 16.14.0" Then I listed installed versions with "nvm ls" and uninstalled the old one with "nvm uninstall 12.16.0" after that I used yarn to update all packages.. and fixed security/audit issues etc.
Also I must mention that I, before all this, did try to install "wire-desktop-git" from AUR (I'm on archlinux) that also pulled with it the "electron10-bin" package. But that did not work well but threw a slew of errors at me, so after I got the "wireinternal", as it calls it self (from here) to work with "yarn start" in the dir I had cloned it in to, I reinstalled the original wire-desktop from the "community" repo.
That removed "wire-desktop-git" as they were in conflict but left behind the electron10-bin package.

Now thou after having started "wireinternal" and having changed to the "dark theme" and restarted to see if it was persistent (as it was) I also curiously started "wire-desktop" at the same time.. and behold.. it started with the dark theme. So I closed the "wireinternal" one and also restarted "wire-desktop" to see if it was persistent in regard to the "dark theme" setting. And haleluja on the snowclad mountains in sandals and what not.. now also"wire-desktop" suddenly remembers "dark mode" very well..
I love that donkey!!
I do not know if this is because I have run "wireinternal" ones so it did something to some obscure setting file behind my back.. Maybe it wrote down a setting that was not there before.. Or maybe it is the new updated nodejs and all the updates "it" did to all it's packages. Or if it is that electron10 from AUR ( wire-desktop has electron11 as dependency,so it would be strange)?? But now it works.
My guess is that it was upgrading nodejs and updating all packages that did it. Or that "yarn" in the cloned foder..?? But I will not start to dig in there for some answer but am just saying..

Best of luck to you.


This has actually stopped being broken for me on macOS. I did not update Wire so it must have been fixed in the "Wire for Web" that runs in the Wire Desktop Electron app. I'm currently on Wire for Web version 2022. but it was fixed a week or two ago.

It looks like this bug is really fixed with Wire for Web Version 2022. (or earlier) on Linux, too. I have monitored the behaviour the past days and the random dark to light theme switch did not happen. It is a pity they have not linked this bug report with the release notes and closed this bug. On the other hand it is great this annoying issue is (most likely) solved ☀.

As it is the same here, I close it.
*Mysteriously Fixed*