winshining / nginx-http-flv-module

A media streaming server based on nginx-rtmp-module. In addtion to the features nginx-rtmp-module provides, HTTP-FLV, GOP cache, VHosts (one IP for multi domain names) and JSON style statistics are supported now.

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variable 'nbufs' set but not used [-Werror,-Wunused-but-set-variable]

zhangxiaolongZ opened this issue · comments

When you meet a bug, please open the issue including a title prefixed by '[bug]' and describe it as follows:
(当你碰到一个 bug,请在提出问题时以 '[bug]' 为前缀写明标题,并且像下面的内容一样描述它):

Expected behavior (期望行为)

Actual behavior (实际行为)

OS and Nginx version (操作系统和 Nginx 版本号)

Configuration file (配置文件)

Steps to reproduce the behavior (复现问题步骤)

Error log if any (错误日志)

I have no Mac at hand.
Add the following code after line 656 to test if it works:

(void) nbufs;

我也是**人,找到方法了 在objs的Makefile里 删掉-Werror

我也是**人,找到方法了 在objs的Makefile里 删掉-Werror

Mac 的编译器检查得更严格些,Linux (gcc-10.2.1) 和 Windows (Visual Studio 2022) 编译都没问题。根本原因是 configure 的时候如果没有添加 --with-debug 选项,ngx_log_debugX 是空的,所以出现 variable 'xxx' set but not used 的错误。
源代码其他文件里有处理方法,就是我上面写的,可以查看 ngx_rtmp_limit_module.c 的第 142 行,ngx_rtmp_mp4_module.c 的第 887 行。在 Linux 和 Windows 上都编译通过,但是我没有 Mac,无法验证。你可以试试,盼复。