WingkaiHo / ceph-monitor-dashboard

Use collectd to collect the ceph cluster and osd daemon and cloudstack status

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#Install enviroment

This document is base for centos7.1, collected-5.5.0, grafana-2.02-1, graphite-web-0.9.12-8

##1. Install graphite-web and set configure

The graphite-web only need to install into one machine of ceph cluster.

  1. Install graphite-web and mysql backend:

    ... #yum install #yum install graphite-web mariadb-server.x86_64 MySQL-python ...

  2. Enable the mysql start when system start:

    ... #systemctl enable mariadb.service

    #systemctl mariadb start ...

  3. Setting default mysql password:

    ... #mysql_secure_installation ...

  4. Create the "graphite" database and set user which can visit this database:

    ... #mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE graphite;" -u root -p

    #mysql -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON graphite.* TO 'graphite'@'localhost'IDENTIFIED BY 'graphitePW01Vxzsigavms';" -u root -p

    #mysql -e 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES;' -u root -p ...

  5. Fix the graphite web configure file: vi /etc/graphite-web/

    DATABASES = { 'default': { 'NAME': 'graphite', 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'USER': 'graphite', 'PASSWORD': 'graphitePW01Vxzsigavms', } }

  6. Init the "graphite" database:

    ... #/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/graphite/ syncdb ...

  7. Install Carbon and Whisper:

    ... #yum install python-carbon python-whisper ...

  8. Enable carbon service start when system start:

    ... #systemctl enable carbon-cache.service

    #systemctl start carbon-cache.service ...

  9. Fix the /etc/httpd/conf.d/graphite-web.conf to solve the bug AH01630: client denied by server configuration in appach. You can copy the file to overwrite /etc/httpd/conf.d/graphite-web.conf:

    ... #cp ./graphite-web/graphite-web.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/ ...

  10. restart httpd service:

    ... #systemctl start httpd

    #systemctl enable httpd.service ...

  11. graphite data store in the directory /var/lib/carbon/whisper/

  12. Configure the storage schema of carbon cache for graphite:

    ... vi /etc/carbon/storage-schemas.conf

    [collectd] pattern = ^collectd.

    retentions = 10s:1d,1m:7d,10m:1y ...

  13. Test if graphite_web deploy successful. Please use firfox or chrome:

    ... http://ip:8080

    If you can vist the web, your deploy successful. Good luck!!! ...

##2. Ceph monitor plugin

 This project have two ceph monitor plugin. First is use to get the perf of whole ceph cluster and every host cpu and disk information. The second use to get the perf of all osd deamon. Two plugin will be install in all the osd and monitor machine. Two plugin design as collectd exec plugin. It will be run by collectd deamon.

 1) File first plugin and code in directory ceph-cluser-perf/

 2) Second plugin in directory directory in ceph-daemon-perf/

 3) You can compile yourself or get brinary in thease directory.

##3. Collectd install and configure.

Collectd is used to collect the information of the machine, it will be install at all the ceph cluster machine.

1)Install collectd

 #yum install collectd
  1. Copy the two plugin to /usr/lib64/collectd/

3)Fix the cofigure file /etc/collectd.conf

 vim /etc/collectd.conf

 #Enable follow plugin
 LoadPlugin exec
 LoadPlugin interface
 LoadPlugin load
 LoadPlugin memory
 LoadPlugin write_graphite
 #UnEnable follow plugin
 LoadPlugin cpu

 <Plugin exec>
  Exec "root" "/usr/lib64/collectd/ceph-cluser-perf"
  Exec "root" "/usr/lib64/collectd/ceph-daemon-perf"

<Plugin write_graphite>
<Node "graphing">
    #The ip of graphite-web
    Host ""
    Port "2003"
    Protocol "tcp"
    LogSendErrors true
    Prefix "collectd."
    Postfix ""
    StoreRates true
    AlwaysAppendDS false
    EscapeCharacter "_"

##4. Grafana install and configure.

1)Install grafana

... #yum install

  1. Configure the port of grafana

    ... vim /etc/grafana/grafana.ini and fix:


  2. Enable grafana service start when system start:

    ... #systemctl enable grafana-server.service #service grafana-server start

  3. Configure the data for grafana

    ... I. Use the firefox/chrome visit the web of grafana


    II. Default username: admin password: admin

    III.Click "Data sources" left top.

    IV. Select "Add New"

    V. The follow setting or reference PNG(./grafana/SettingDataSource.png)

    Data Source: Name: ceph-mon Default: true Type: Graphite

    Http settings: Url:http://graphite_ip_addr:port # port可以通过/etc/httpd/conf.d/graphite-web.conf获取 Acces:proxy

  4. Import the grafana dashborad:

    I. Click the manu "Dashboard" II. Click th button "Choose file" reference PNG (grafana/ChooseDashboardFile.png) III. json in directory "./grafana/json_page/" Base dashboard (data recv by plugin ceph-cluser-perf, and interface plugin of collectd) Ceph_Cluster_Home Ceph_OSD_Information Ceph_Performance Ceph_Pool_Information Host_Disk Host_Load_CPU_Memory Host_Network Advance dashbord (data recv by plugin ceph-daemon-perf) Ceph_OSDs_throttles_IOPS Ceph_OSD_Throttle_Information

##5. Directory 1)ceph-cluser-perf: The source code of plugin "ceph-cluser-perf", it use ceph command to get perf of cluster. 2)ceph-daemon-perf: The source code of plugin "ceph-daemon-perf:", it use "ceph daemon" to get the osd daemon perf. 3)grafana: This dir used to store how to seting grafana and json dashboard page of grafana. 4)graphite-web: This dir used to store the configure 5)collectd: This dir used to store the example of configure file. 6)rmp: This used to store rpm packet, it your don't want to download yourself. And collectd-5.5-change.tar.gz have fix collectd it can run exec plugin in root.


Use collectd to collect the ceph cluster and osd daemon and cloudstack status


Language:Go 99.5%Language:Shell 0.5%