windwp / nvim-ts-autotag

Use treesitter to auto close and auto rename html tag

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Elixir support still a problem

srcrip opened this issue · comments

See title. There's been several tickets auto closed by stale bot.

Sorry for the long delay here, I'll take a look at a few of them.

In the meantime though, PRs are very much welcome.

No problem, check out some of the closed prs I think one of them may fix it

Hey @srcrip can you take a look at the related PR (#206) and let me know if that works for Elixir? I have exactly 0 Elixir experience, so I need another person to let me know 🙂

Thanks @PriceHiller, I think this branch does in fact fix it for normal html tags in heex files.

If possible though, heex in elixir also has this other html-like tag that looks like this:

    <.stepper current_step={@current_step} target={@myself} class="lg:hidden -ml-1">
      <:step name={:personal}>
        <span class="me-2">1.</span>
        Personal <span class="hidden sm:inline-flex sm:ms-2">Info</span>

      <:step name={:work_experience}>
        <span class="me-2">2.</span>
        Work <span class="hidden sm:inline-flex sm:ms-2">Experience</span>

      <:step name={:education}>
        <span class="me-2">3.</span> Education

      <:step name={:other}>
        <span class="me-2">4.</span> Other

      <:step name={:review}>
        <span class="me-2">5.</span> Review

The <.stepper> is a phoenix component and the <:step> is a slot. It would be great if this plugin could successfully rename them too.