windwp / nvim-ts-autotag

Use treesitter to auto close and auto rename html tag

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Closing a tag causes built-in LSP to update diagnostics incorrectly

jacksonludwig opened this issue · comments

With update_on_insert = false (the default) from neovim built in LSP, it is expected that diagnostics do not update unless a user exists insert mode.

However, it seems that closing a tag causes the LSP to refresh diagnostics, causing errors to appear while in insert mode. This is an issue as the LSP thinks there are many errors since the diagnostics seemed to be refreshed as if the tag is not closed.

For example, if I have a situation like this:

| = cursor


Closing the tag results in


which is correct, except that the tsserver reports all sorts of errors in the buffer about there being an unclosed tag.

Once exiting insert mode, the errors go away.


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