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bug: Added Google SSO to Self Hosted instance but no option to login via Google when opening in incognito

jacobburrell opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

Google Login tutorial seems to indicate the option to login should be available after assigning the client ID and secret, but no option to login via Google exists after saving credentials.

To reproduce



Expected behavior

The option to login via Google should be available.


No response

Browser information

Chrome Version 124.0.6367.119 (Official Build) (x86_64)

Application version

Windmill CE v1.321.4

Additional Context

No response

@jacobburrell sorry for slow response but did you save the settings after puttin the clientId/secret?

Other possibility is that you built windmill from sources or are not using our community edition image. SSO requires proprietary features that we provide for free (up to 10 users) in the community image

@rubenfiszel I am playing around with Caprover and deployed with their one-click app marketplace:


Looks like it pulls from Releases or Packages

I did save.


What logs can I get you to help diagnose?

That's a pretty old release, could you try with the latest release please

Hi @rubenfiszel the version in the screenshot is not the version I am running, I put a more up-to-date version when deploying. The version in the screenshot is just a placeholder placed when showing that screen.

Please see version listed. I will try with latest v1.332.0 but I am already running Windmill CE v1.321.4


@jacobburrell I had the same issue with a new install of 1.1337.0. I downgraded to to 1.1336.1 and the SSO screen appeared. After this I came back to 1.1337.0 and SSO screen was also present there :).

So, I think you only have to stop/start your stack/containers and SSO will be present.

@mnbro Just tried restarting the windmill-server container and the SSO option appeared.

Still should be part of docs, not necessary, etc rather than not working.