wind754203900 / SCNN-TF2

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


SCNN Tensorflow2实现版本

SCNN implemented by Tensorflow2

Paper Link:"Spatial As Deep: Spatial CNN for Traffic Scene Understanding", AAAI2018

Source Code: ""

Before Started

  1. Clone the project

    git clone
    cd SCNN-TF2
  2. Create a conda virtual environment and activate it

    conda create -n scnn_tf2 python=3.7 -y
    conda activate scnn_tf2

    Then install dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Data preparation

    Download Tusimple. Then extract to$TUSIMPLEROOT. The directory arrangement of Tusimple should look like:


    Since the segmentation annotation is not provided for Tusimple, please generate seg segmentation from the json annotation.

    cd data_provider
    python   # modify variable of 'src_dir','dst_dir' and 'test_dir' in python file

    After running. You will get


Get Started

  1. Train your model

    First, modify config file in global_config/

    Change TU_DATASETS_TRAIN and TU_DATASETS_VALID to the path where your tusimple train and validation annotaion txt files store in

    # config file in global_config/
    __C.TU_DATASETS_TRAIN = '{your_generated_tusimple_dataset_path}/training/train_instance.txt'
    __C.TU_DATASETS_VALID = '{your_generated_tusimple_dataset_path}/training/validation_instance.txt'


    You can change some training setting about epoches,learning rate and so on in config file

    Start training with: (You also can run the code in Pycharm)

    cd tools

    Since I use tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy() in the code, the code will use one gpu or multi-gpus automatical automatically.

    After training, the weights file will be save in weights/{model_name}.h5

    You can also modify the model save path by editing global_config/

    # config file in global_config/
    __C.TRAIN.MODEL_SAVE_PATH = '{weigth_save_path_of_your_model}'.
  2. Evaluation

    Before evaluation, you also should modify global_config/ to your tusimple test_dataset.

    # config file in global_config/
    __C.TEST.DATAROOT = '{your_tusimple_test_dataset_path}/test_set'
    __C.TEST.ANNO_PATH = '{your_tusimple_test_dataset_path}/test_set/test.txt'

    If you want to visulize the result, please change the value CFG.TEST.VISUALIZE to True

    # config file in global_config/

    Evaluate by(Modify your ground truth json path gt_json_path in

    cd tools

    It will generate a josn file in evaluation/evaluate_lane.json.


The support for CULane Dataset will be implemented in the future.



Language:Python 100.0%