wincent / terminus

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bracketed paste no longer working

tnguyen14 opened this issue · comments

Bracketed paste used to work for me, but have stopped working as of late. I am not sure why.

Here's my vim --version info:

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Feb  8 2016 12:26:50)
MacOS X (unix) version
Included patches: 1-1265
Compiled by Homebrew



Any help/ advice would be greatly appreciated!

Not sure. I think I am going to need more info on how to reproduce this as it still works fine for me. Have you made any changes to your configuration or set up? (Installed other plug-ins etc)?

Hi @wincent, sorry I never got back to you on this.

I am still seeing the problem, and here's my vimrc. I wonder if that would be helpful for you?

I could also help provide any other info as needed to fix this.

I see you have a lot of plug-ins, some of them which look like they could potentially clash with Terminus ('tmux-plugins/vim-tmux-focus-events' and 'tmux-plugins/vim-tmux', for instance; I don't know what they do, but I am suspicious).

I'd suggest trying to bisect things down by disabling some or all of those plug-ins and then see if you can reproduce your issue. (I don't use Vundle myself, so I don't have a way of conveniently copying your set-up.) Let me know whatever you figure out. If there's something I can do to make Terminus robust against the influence of whatever it is in your set-up that is causing bracketed paste mode not to work, I'd be glad to do it.

So I removed those 2 plugins, and paste seemed to work again for me. But then when i tried to reinstalled them one by one, neither of them seems to cause the problem again.

So now I'm back to all the plugins I have before, and unable to reproduce this problem. I'll update if I run into it again.

Hi, the issue came back again, and I was able to confirm that removing the vim-tmux-focus-events fixed it.

Makes sense. Looks like what it does is largely duplicative of what Terminus does.

@wincent so what would the ideal solution be? Update terminus to make it more compatible? Just not use vim-tmux-focus-events?

As far as I can tell, there is no reason to use vim-tmux-focus-events as Terminus already covers that functionality. Is there something I am missing?

In terms of more compatibility, about the only thing I can think of is printing a warning if vim-tmux-focus-events is found to be installed, but having them both installed also sounds pretty rare, so I am not sure if it is worth it.

Ok. That seems fair. Hopefully if that's ever an issue to someone, they'll be able to google this issue. Thank you @wincent for your help and patience.

It might be a good idea to add a note to the readme and documentation.

On Sun, May 8, 2016, 8:39 AM Tri Nguyen wrote:

Ok. That seems fair. Hopefully if that's ever an issue to someone, they'll
be able to google this issue. Thank you @wincent for your help and patience.

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#15 (comment)

I'll follow the "two or more, use a for" rule on this one, as I consider this an incredibly unlikely mistake. If I see one other person report it I'll consider that a signal that I'm wrong. In the meantime I prefer to keep the clutter out of the readme.