willpuckett / image.vim

View images in Vim, because Vim is awesome! Now with Python3

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image.vim, with Python3

Forked from ashisha/image.vim as the PR to update to Python3 went unanswered for years.

View images in Vim, because Vim is awesome!

When I work in ssh it's great to view images with:

:autocmd BufEnter *.png,*.jpg,*gif exec "! ~/.iterm2/imgcat ".expand("%") | :bw

but imgcat doesn't work with mosh :(

image.vim does :)


  • Let's you open (preview) images in Vim!
  • It's safe, never modifies the original image (unless you force write)



  • Vim with python support. You can verify if your Vim is compiled with python using:

    vim --version | grep python

    Python 2 reached EOL Jan 1, 2020.

    If you see +python3, your Vim has python3 support. If not, figure out how to get one.

  • Also needs the Python library PIL. You can install PIL using pip3 install Pillow


  • Pathogen
    • git clone https://github.com/willpuckett/image.vim ~/.vim/bundle/image.vim
  • Vundle
    • Plugin 'willpuckett/image.vim'
  • NeoBundle
    • NeoBundle 'willpuckett/image.vim'
  • Manual
    • Copy image.vim into your ~/.vim/plugin/ directory



View images in Vim, because Vim is awesome! Now with Python3



Language:Vim Script 100.0%