williamyang1991 / VToonify

[SIGGRAPH Asia 2022] VToonify: Controllable High-Resolution Portrait Video Style Transfer

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seems pretrain model is not used

JohnnieXDU opened this issue · comments

Hi, nice work, appreciate it! But two questions confuse me.

  1. in train_vtoonify_d.py, for pre-training, why save the weights of g_ema in line 172 / 387? Looks g_ema.eval() keep the weights unchanged, and g is the generator should to be trained.

  2. after pre-training, in full train process, looks the pre-trained model is not loaded (from vtoonifu_d_cartoon/pretrain.pth).


This part updates g_ema with g, so its weight changes.

accumulate(g_ema.encoder, g_module.encoder, accum)
accumulate(g_ema.fusion_out, g_module.fusion_out, accum)
accumulate(g_ema.fusion_skip, g_module.fusion_skip, accum)

This part loads pre-trained model

if self.opt.encoder_path is None:
self.opt.encoder_path = os.path.join('./checkpoint/', self.opt.name, 'pretrain.pt')

if not args.pretrain:
generator.encoder.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.encoder_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)["g_ema"])

thanks a lot :D appreciate it ~

one more question, could you please provide the full pipeline for training all nets from scratch? just a brief flowchart works fine for me, just a little bit confusing since training ALL-models looks tough. :(

we only has two steps
pretrain the encoder (train the green part) and train the full network (train the green and blue parts).


Thanks! By the way, what does ema in g_ema mean? (non-abbrevation version is?)

exponential running average

thanks a lot!