williamyang1991 / DualStyleGAN

[CVPR 2022] Pastiche Master: Exemplar-Based High-Resolution Portrait Style Transfer

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finetune_stylegan.py error - TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable

tlsdmswn01 opened this issue · comments

!python finetune_stylegan.py --iter 600 --batch 4 --style simpsons --augment ./data/simpsons/lmdb/ --size 256

I wrote the code like this and posted it:

Load options
ada_every: 256
ada_length: 500000
ada_target: 0.6
augment: True
augment_p: 0
batch: 4
channel_multiplier: 2
ckpt: None
d_reg_every: 16
g_reg_every: 4
iter: 600
local_rank: 0
lr: 0.002
mixing: 0.9
model_path: ./checkpoint/
n_sample: 9
path: ./data/simpsons/lmdb/
path_batch_shrink: 2
path_regularize: 2
r1: 10
save_every: 10000
size: 256
style: simpsons
wandb: False
grad_input, grad_grid = GridSampleBackward.apply(grad_output, input, grid)
File "/home/alpaco/sej/DualStyleGAN/model/stylegan/non_leaking.py", line 361, in forward
grad_input, grad_grid = op(grad_output, input, grid, 0, 0, False)
TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable

I keep getting this error. I followed exactly what's in the demo, but the error persists. What could be the problem? Please help.

I want to ask this in another place.

I find a solution. You can try it.
#49 (comment)

Thank you!
Thanks to you, I've resolved it and am using it well!