williamparry / imgur-Extension

Former repository for the imgur Community Extension

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"-this computer-" album is not transferring over.

jmlind opened this issue · comments

OS: Win7 Ultimate SP1
Chrome version: 26.0.1410.64 m
Previous Imgur version: 1.1.3
Previous extension was disabled, new one was loaded up. Successfully authenticated my account with imgur.com.

No images showed up in the "-this computer-" album. No messages, error or otherwise, were logged to the console.

When I disable the new extension and re-enable the old one, the images previously in the "-this computer-" album still appear correctly.

The 1.1.3 extension you have installed is one from the Chrome store and has a separate localStorage to the v1.2 unpacked one. I've added instructions on how to test the upgrade in the README just now.