williamcruzme / vue-gates

🔒 A Vue.js & Nuxt.js plugin that allows you to use roles and permissions in your components or DOM elements, also compatible as middleware and methods.

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You must specify a value in the directive

wrtisans opened this issue · comments


im using the package as the docs says but i have a problem ... when i add the directive to my menu with vuetify i've a custom menu drawer file with a json to add my menu dinamycally like this

{ text: "Planeación Estrategica", path: "/goals", allowedRoles: "root|rector|directivo", icon: { type: "feather", name: "check-square", stroke: "white", fill: "none" } },

i use this menu like this

<v-list-item v-else :key="item.text" link :to="item.path" v-role:any="item.allowedRoles" >

when i add :v-role:any="item.allowedRoles" it doesnt work but when i remove the : from :v-role it works with this error You must specify a value in the directive


Any update about this issue¡?

I tried:


data() {
  return {
    items: [
        role: 'admin',
        role: 'member',
created() {
  this.$laravel.setPermissions(['add articles', 'edit articles']);
  this.$laravel.setRoles(['admin', 'user', 'writer']);

  setTimeout(() => {
      role: 'writer',
  }, 5000);


  <div v-for="item in items" :key="item.role">
    <p v-role:any="item.role">
      {{ item.role }}

It works!


so, first i need to initialize empty my roles array and then add the new roles from my api ?

I think I got confused, is the problem that if you update setPermissions/setRoles dynamically it doesn't detect it?


no, the problem here is when i asign my permisions from my api and compareit from an file like my example throws that error, i need to reload the page and then my permisions work again (sorry for my bad english)


i think i've fixed with a div as parent with the directive role:any but i dont like renders the roles in html as i can inspect it with chrome dev tools

Captura de Pantalla 2020-04-19 a la(s) 10 10 50

    v-for="(item, index) in items"

I have

no, the problem here is when i asign my permisions from my api and compareit from an file like my example throws that error, i need to reload the page and then my permisions work again (sorry for my bad english)

also i'm have this error

i'm boring tried for fix error.
how fix error You must specify a value in the directive


Just read the comments, i've posted my fix on one of them ( the one with the div)

@wrtisans @esmaily

Can you share the code that causes the error? I will try to reproduce the error and solve this problem in the most efficient way.

¿Pueden compartir el código que provoca el error? Intentaré reproducir el error y resolver este problema de la manera más eficiente.

Thank you very much for your patience!

thank you i'm fixed .

<router-link v-permission="'SliderIndex'" to="/slider/list"> <el-menu-item index="11-1">{{ $t('slider') }}</el-menu-item> </router-link>
<template v-permission="'SliderIndex'"> <router-link to="/slider/list"> <el-menu-item index="11-1">{{ $t('slider') }}</el-menu-item> </router-link> </template>


i recommend to you make the v-permission in a din and not in a template because can make problems latter


@williamcruzme el problema, al menos en mi caso se genero debido a que quería desde un json obtener el menu, es decir, hago un request a mi backend para preguntar por el menu de la app, y obtengo algo asi:

     text: "Planeación Estrategica", 
     path: "/goals", allowedRoles: "root|rector|directivo", 
     icon: { type: "feather", name: "check-square", stroke: "white", fill: "none" } }

en mi caso el problema se causaba por que queria hacerlo en un list item de vuetify pero extrañamente se soluciono al poner el v-role en un div, como te indique en un comentario anterior

Gracias por tu super paquete, me ha sido de mucha ayuda!