willem4ever / ublox

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Library to be used with SODAQ XXOne .... WORK in progress, your mileage may vary
Example available ...

functions ....

UBlox uBlox;        // Initialize library

uBlox.enable();                     // Enable u-blox must be called

uBlox.CfgMsg(UBX_NAV_PVT, 1);       // Navigation Position Velocity TimeSolution
uBlox.funcNavPvt = delegateNavPvt;  // Callback function - see example for details.

uBlox.GetPeriodic();                // Call periodic from loop() {} this will call delegateNavPvt

PortConfigurationDDC pcd;
uBlox.getPortConfigurationDDC(&pcd); // GET Port Configuration for DDC Port - see manual and structure
uBlox.setPortConfigurationDDC(&pcd); // SET Port Configuration for DDC Port - see manual and structure

TimePulseParameters tpp
uBlox.getTimePulseParameters(0, &tpp);  // GET Poll Time Pulse Parameters - see manual and structure
uBlox.setTimePulseParameters(&xtpp);    // SET Poll Time Pulse Parameters - see manual and structure

Look at ublox.h for functions and structures used



Language:C++ 100.0%