willdurand / BazingaHateoasBundle

Integration of the Hateoas library into Symfony.

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Security context for serialization

kleiram opened this issue · comments

An issue I run into from time to time is that some links should only be visible when an user has certain permissions. For example, let's say I created a blog API and only admins should be able to delete comments. Something like this could be shown in the _links object like so:

    "_links": {
        "delete": {
            "href": "http://example.org/api/posts/14"

If I only want this route to be visible for users that have the ROLE_ADMIN role, there's no easy way to do this at the moment besides creating a relation provider that only acts as a sort of proxy for the SecurityContextInterface.

I propose adding something like an granted attribute to the @RelationProvider annotation:

 * @Hateoas\Relation(
 *  "delete",
 *  href = @Hateoas\Route(
 *      "post_delete",
 *      parameters = { "id" = "expr(object.getId())" }
 *  ),
 *  granted={"ROLE_ADMIN"}
 * )
class Post
    // properties

Is this something that might be worth looking into?

PS: Clearly, this can be labeled as an enhancement.

You have to use exclusion rules https://github.com/willdurand/Hateoas#exclusion and the https://github.com/willdurand/Hateoas#the-expression-language .

 * @Hateoas\Relation(
 *     "delete",
 *     href = @Hateoas\Route(
 *         "post_delete",
 *         parameters = { "id" = "expr(object.getId())"
 *     }),
 *     exlusion = @Hateoas\Exclusion(
 *         excludeIf = "expr(not service('security.context')->isGranted(['ROLE_ADMIN']))"
 *     ) 
 * )
class Post
    // properties

An expression function is_granted could also be contributed!

👍 for the is_granted() function.

Well, this is fixed in PR #30. Thanks for merging!