willdoescode / nat

`ls` alternative with useful info and a splash of color 🎨

Home Page:https://git.io/natls

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Won't run on Ubuntu 20.10 amd64

HaaseIT opened this issue · comments

Gives the following error message:

bash: /usr/local/bin/nat: Kann die Binärdatei nicht ausführen: Fehler im Format der Programmdatei

(sorry for german error message, means somthing like: cannot execute binary file: error in format).

I guess, some dependencies are missing that are not mentioned in the readme?


Linux is not currently supported in nat. I will reopen this thread if that changes.

Why Linux should not be supported? Which features are not working?

As a quick test the following worked for me on Debian bullseye

$ apt-get install rustc cargo
$ cd /tmp
$ git clone https://github.com/willdoescode/nat
$ cd /tmp/nat
$ cargo build
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 30.63s
$ cd target/debug
$ ./nat


edit Do get the ls output (more or less) close to the one from nat you would need to call ls as ls -h --full-time --time-style="+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" -U -A



for other linux users nat did not seem to work I will add the steps you took to compile to the readme

@willdoescode I am on Manjaro, a fork of ArchLinux. I downloaded nat using the package that I published to the AUR (arch user repository) and it works flawlessly for me:

If you're wondering, the AUR package clones this repository and runs:

cargo build --release --locked --all-features --target-dir=target

Then puts the binary in /usr/bin/ so users can run nat from their command line.
Another user reported that the build failed because of the --locked flag so I will probably remove that.