whitlockjc / json-refs

Various utilities for JSON Pointers (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901) and JSON References (http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pbryan-zyp-json-ref-03).

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"JSON Pointer points to missing location" after upgrade to v3.0.0

Martin456 opened this issue · comments

I think I am experiencing issues caused by this change in v3.0.0 removed options.relativeBase.
I am using CLI interface
json-refs resolve index.yaml -y --filter relative > output.yaml
where index.yaml contains references to other yaml files in the subdictionaries.
I receive a lot of messages "JSON Pointer points to missing location" caused by the fact that the yaml files in the subdictionaries contain links to #/definitions/
But those are the links that I don't want to resolve.
In version 2.1.6 it worked flawlessly.
Thank you

Any chance the unresolved references in the relative files are local references but they are not contained in the containing document? If so, this was an accidental feature removed from v3.0.0: #100

Long story short, if you have #/definitions/Person defined in root.json and you reference it as #/definitions/Person from child.json, that use to work prior to v3.0.0 but it was an accidental feature. Removing it made json-refs spec-compliant as mentioned in the referenced issues from #100

Hello Jeremy,
you are probably right about the root cause of my issue. I'll try to fix it as it's mentioned in #100 .
Thank you very much for your support

Any time.