wharfkit / session

Create account-based sessions, perform transactions, and allow users to login using Antelope-based blockchains.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add some default ESR options to the TransactContext

aaroncox opened this issue · comments

Every developer working with ESR payloads in a plugin shouldn't have to manually define these if they don't want:


We either need an easier way to create an ESR payload (a helper of some sort in the context) or to include those as a default so you can just pass them when creating an ESR object, like so:

        const request = await SigningRequest.create(
            {transaction: response.data.request[1]},

So will the context.esrOptions also house and allow overriding of the callback server (cb.anchor.link)?
Or that is going to be part of implementing the UI communication?

Yeah, that'll be a part of the UI communication, through the wallet plugins themselves.

ESR itself and the esrOptions parameter above are just so that developers don't need to specify the encoding options:
