whalderman / whalderman

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Howdy, I'm Warren Halderman and here's what I spend most of my time with:

  • TypeScript/JavaScript (+ CSS + HTML on the front end)
  • Clickhouse
  • Redis
  • Node.js
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes

Languages I've used but am not an expert in:

  • C++ (I started here, but never used it professionally)
  • Rust
  • Python
  • Java (not a big fan, but still need to check out Scala)

Languages I'd like to use more often:

  • Rust (the executable efficiency is attractive)
  • Go (the executable + developer efficiency is attractive)

I currently live in Japan 🇯🇵 helping the teams at ブルースクレイ・ジャパン株式会社 (Bruce Clay Japan, Inc.).
I'm married to a wonderfully kind wife, Itsuka.
I practice photography and keep a record over at rasterpiece.gallery.
I enjoy practicing martial arts.
I'd like to own a ranch and do some back-breaking labor.

My Projects

For work

Everything is developed upon the shoulders of the open source community.

Internal Tools

  • Chatwork message recording and task assignment automations.
    Tools used:
  • Custom script setup for tracking through GTM using hellish tools like GA/CM360, FB Pixels, etc.
  • Creating custom scrapers using puppeteer for gathering data where APIs are not provided.

