weymouth / WaterLily.jl

Fast and simple fluid simulator in Julia

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LoadError: MethodError: no method matching record in ThreeD_donut although another package (ThreeD_TaylorGreenVortex) with “record” works

maeckha opened this issue · comments

First package

using WaterLily
using LinearAlgebra: norm2
using Makie

function donut_sim(p=6,Re=1e3)
    # Define simulation size, velocity, viscosity
    n,U = 2^p, [1, 0, 0]
    center,R,r = [n/2,n/2,n/2], n/4, n/16
    ν = norm2(U)*R/Re

    # Apply signed distance function for a torus
    c = BDIM_coef(2n+2,n+2,n+2,3) do xyz  #
        x,y,z = xyz - center

    # Initialize Flow, Poisson and make struct
    u = zeros(2n+2,n+2,n+2,3)
    a = Flow(u,c,U,ν=ν)
    b = MultiLevelPoisson(c)

function flowdata(sim)
    @inside sim.flow.σ[I] = WaterLily.ω_θ(I,[1,0,0],center,sim.flow.u)*sim.L/sim.U
    @view sim.flow.σ[2:end-1,2:end-1,2:end-1]
function geomdata(sim)
    @inside sim.flow.σ[I] = sum(sim.flow.μ₀[I,i]+sim.flow.μ₀[I+δ(i,I),i] for i=1:3)
    @view sim.flow.σ[2:end-1,2:end-1,2:end-1]

function make_video!(sim::Simulation;name="file.mp4",verbose=true,t₀=0.0,Δprint=0.1,nprint=24*3)
    # plot the geometry and flow
    scene = contour(geomdata(sim),levels=[0.5])
    scene = contour!(scene,flowdata(sim),levels=[-7,7],
    scene_data = scene[end]

    # Plot flow evolution
    tprint = t₀+WaterLily.sim_time(sim)
    record(scene,name,1:nprint,compression=5) do i
        println("video ",round(Int,i*100/nprint),"% complete")
        scene_data[1] = flowdata(sim)
    return scene

donut,center = donut_sim();
scene = make_video!(donut);

Second Package:

using WaterLily
using LinearAlgebra: norm2
using Makie

function flowdata(sim)
    @inside sim.flow.σ[I] = WaterLily.ω_mag(I,sim.flow.u)*sim.L/sim.U
    return @view sim.flow.σ[2:end-1,2:end-1,2:end-1]
function TGV_video(p=6,Re=1e5,Δprint=0.1,nprint=100)
    # Define vortex size, velocity, viscosity
    L = 2^p; U = 1; ν = U*L/Re

    # Taylor-Green-Vortex initial velocity field
    u = apply(L+2,L+2,L+2,3) do i,vx
        x,y,z = @. (vx-1.5)*π/L                # scaled coordinates
        i==1 && return -U*sin(x)*cos(y)*cos(z) # u_x
        i==2 && return  U*cos(x)*sin(y)*cos(z) # u_y
        return 0.                              # u_z

    # Initialize simulation
    c = ones(L+2,L+2,L+2,3)  # no immersed solids
    a = Flow(u,c,zeros(3),ν=ν)
    b = MultiLevelPoisson(c)
    sim = Simulation(U,L,a,b)

    # plot the vorticity modulus
    scene = Scene(backgroundcolor = :black)
    scene = volume!(scene,flowdata(sim),colorrange=(π,4π),algorithm = :absorption)
    vol_plot = scene[end]

    # Plot flow evolution
    tprint = 0.0
    record(scene,"file.mp4",1:nprint,framerate=24,compression=5) do i
        tprint += Δprint
        println("video ",round(Int,i/nprint*100),"% complete")
        vol_plot[1] = flowdata(sim)
    return sim,scene

The first package throws the error concerning the record method, the second package does fine and has the record method as well.

ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching record(::var"#134#135"{Bool,Float64,Int64,Simulation,Contour{...}}, ::Scene, ::String, ::UnitRange{Int64}; compression=5)
Closest candidates are:
  record(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any; framerate) at /home/meck/.julia/packages/AbstractPlotting/rWoon/src/display.jl:463 got unsupported keyword argument "compression"
  record(::Any, ::Any, ::Any; framerate) at /home/meck/.julia/packages/AbstractPlotting/rWoon/src/display.jl:443 got unsupported keyword argument "compression"
 [1] kwerr(::NamedTuple{(:compression,),Tuple{Int64}}, ::Function, ::Function, ::Scene, ::String, ::UnitRange{Int64}) at ./error.jl:157
 [2] make_video!(::Simulation; name::String, verbose::Bool, t₀::Float64, Δprint::Float64, nprint::Int64) at /home/meck/Documents/Bachelor Arbeit/WaterLily/examples/ThreeD_donut.jl:42
 [3] make_video!(::Simulation) at /home/meck/Documents/Bachelor Arbeit/WaterLily/examples/ThreeD_donut.jl:35
 [4] top-level scope at /home/meck/Documents/Bachelor Arbeit/WaterLily/examples/ThreeD_donut.jl:52
in expression starting at /home/meck/Documents/Bachelor Arbeit/WaterLily/examples/ThreeD_donut.jl:52

I am confused because those functions reside in the same folder.

Sorry for sleeping on this for so long, I was working on a big code fix. Makie has changed substantially in the last months and the 3D examples were both out of date. I've fixed those now and tested both and had no problems.

Please pull the latest version and try it out.