wevm / wagmi

React Hooks for Ethereum

Home Page:https://wagmi.sh

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@solana/web3.js needs to be update to 1.77.4 or later. High Severity

jtardioli opened this issue · comments


Describe the bug

I have wagmi installed at version 0.12.19 which is the most recent version before the 1.x.x breaking changes. I'm getting the following dependabot alert


I can see wagmi is using version 1.77.3 this should be updated to 1.77.4


Link to Minimal Reproducible Example

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Steps To Reproduce

  1. Install wagmi at 0.12.19
  2. Observe it is using version 1.77.3 of @solana/web3.js

Wagmi Version


Viem Version


TypeScript Version


Check existing issues

Anything else?

No response


This is a downstream issue on the Coinbase SDK, so it might be worth raising an issue there.

AFAIK, Wagmi v2 (which uses the latest Coinbase SDK) does not contain the @solana/web3.js dependency.

If you cannot upgrade to Wagmi v2 yet, you could override the @solana/web3.js with npm overrides.


I made an issue with coinbase-wallet-sdk. Ill make another issue here if they update it

hi @jtardioli thx for flagging this, we removed solana provider dependency from 3.9, feel free to try out 3.9.3 or 4.0.0-beta.7 as a quick patch for this

This issue has been locked since it has been closed for more than 14 days.

If you found a concrete bug or regression related to it, please open a new bug report with a reproduction against the latest wagmi version. If you have any other comments you can create a new discussion.