wevm / wagmi

React Hooks for Ethereum

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Using Injected, okxwallet or okexwallet can't connect with OKX wallet

leonace924 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

export const okxConnector = injected({target: 'okxWallet'})

using targeted okx wallet, either okxWallet or oKExWallet is not available to connect with the wallet and return ProviderNotFoundError, while using injected({target: 'metamask'}) is ok to connect with my metamask wallet

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Steps To Reproduce

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OKX supports EIP-6963, you can filter the connector by its id.

@glitch-txs , could you give me a advice to implement it correctly?
I used injected, but didn't work

This was what I did

      target() {
        return {
          id: "okxwallet",
          name: "OKX Wallet",
          provider: () => {
            if (typeof window !== "undefined") return

            const isOkxWallet = (ethereum) => {
              return !!ethereum?.isOkxWallet

            if (isOkxWallet(window.ethereum)) {
              return window.ethereum

            if (window.ethereum?.providers)
              return window.ethereum.providers.find(isOkxWallet) ?? null

            return window["okxwallet"] ?? null