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[BUG] Datatables.net - header tooltip when sorting is disabled

DBlaisAsc opened this issue · comments


On a datatables.net grid, I disable sort on some columns, but the tooltip generated by the wet still add " : activate for ascending sort" to the column header tooltip. This give a strange behavior.


Can you provide a code sample such as some html and js your using?

I am just a volunteer on this GitHub project.


You can reproduce the issue with that simple example :

    <div class="table-responsive">
        <table id="SearchGrid" class="wb-tables table table-striped">
                    <th><i class="fas fa-folder"></i><span class="wb-inv">Detail</span></th>
                    <th><i class="fas fa-th-list"></i><span class="wb-inv">Saved list</span></th>

<script type="text/javascript">

    window["wb-tables"] = {
        dom: "iltrp",
        columns: [
                orderable: false,
                defaultContent: ""
                defaultContent: "",
                orderable: false
                name: "Description",
                data: "Description"
        data: [
            { Description: "line1" },
            { Description: "line2" }
        order: [[2, 'asc']]

What version of WET are you using?
Works fine in v4.0.56 -> v4.0.61.1

I cannot test in v4.0.63 as my build environment broke .

I use CDTS v4.0.47, that come with WET v4.0.56.5.

Ok, I had it patched in my development versions, that is why it worked for me.
The fix is this commit: Plugin Tables: Do not create sort/order button when column sort is disabled

This was merged into WET Release Release v4.0.62.
