westurner / dotfiles

Bash, Python, IPython scripts, and userspace configuration https://westurner.org/dotfiles/

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Why are some paths prefixed with '-'?

westurner opened this issue · comments

- sorts first in ASCII sort order.

Sometimes, bash requires ./ as a prefix for paths that strat with -.

  • This is okay because, for log interpretation, it's really more readable to use variables or cdaliases
cd ~ 
cd -wrk/    # ERR
cd ./-wrk/  # OK
cd $_WRK   # OK (venv --wrk="$HOME/-wrk")
cdwrk      # OK (venv cdaliases)
cdh -wrk/  # OK (venv cdaliases)

Additionally, files that start with . are not visible in OSX finder.

See finder-show-hidden and finder-hide-hidden: https://github.com/westurner/dotfiles/blob/master/etc/bash/03-bashrc.darwin.sh#L37

"Start at the wall!"