westonplatter / phashion

Ruby wrapper around pHash, the perceptual hash library for detecting duplicate multimedia files

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Missing sqlite3ext.h on bundle install

benjaminjackson opened this issue · comments

Here's the full output: https://gist.github.com/benjaminjackson/597ac027fb1a1e088fcd

I have sqlite3 installed and /usr/include/sqlite3ext.h exists.

Small note: bundle install works with the v1.0.8 tag, just not with the latest one.

@andreas-venturini posted solution at that gist

On Ubuntu install libjpeg-dev and libpng-dev

@benjaminjackson based on @dolzenko's comment, did it work for you?

Any update on this?

I was missing both 'brew install libjpeg' and 'brew install libpng'

I installed libjpeg into ~/homebrew but this gem does not obey --with-cppflags and says could not find header file. (Note that it obeys --with-ldflags)

The readme says that Phasion's dependencies are installed through a tarball, but this doesn't seem to be the case (for me, running Ruby 2.4 on Ubuntu). I did fix the problem by installing libjpeg-dev and libpng-dev. I was initially confused, though, because the error I got when using gem install phashion was about a missing SQLite header.

@MaxPleaner yes, that is confusing. I'll check this out on a fresh ubuntu image this weekend.

Maybe there needs to be a note in the readme about a libsqlite3-dev dependency for ubuntu machines.

@benjaminjackson @MaxPleaner after releasing version 1.2.0,

  • spun up a ubuntu 14.04 instance
  • confirmed I could not install phashsion before installing libjpeg-dev and libpng-dev
  • installed libjpeg-dev and libpng-dev
  • successfully installed phashion

Could you retry with version 1.2.0?

@MaxPleaner are you still having this issue?


@westonplatter libjpeg-dev resolved similarly for me. also installed libsqlite3-dev and sqlite3 while doing.

@nebulousdog thanks for the input. Which OS are you on? Which package resolved the issue for you, libjpeg-dev, libsqlite3-dev, sqlite3? The reason for all the questions is that I'd like to update the readme with changes if any are needed.


sure dude! I think libjpeg-dev/libsqlite3-dev fixed, and sqlite3 was extra..

$ lsb_release -a 
No LSB modules are available. 
Distributor ID: Ubuntu 
Description: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS 
Release: 16.04 
Codename: xenial