WesMC / docker-cloud-test

Docker Cloud Example for COMP 698 in UNH Manchester

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Docker Cloud Example for COMP 698 in UNH Manchester

#Getting to AWS

You are using you given key to connect to your AWS EC2 Instance through SSH, command looks like

ssh -i wcouturier-xxxxxxxxxx.key

The last entry in the command is YOUR specific IP address. If you have an issue with it saying


Then you need to execute command: chmod 0400 wcouturier-xxxxxxxxxx.key, then re-run the ssh command, and it should work

Once on your instance run the command

lsb_release -a

That should give us the information of the operating system. In this case, it should be almost like:

No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
Release:	16.04
Codename:	xenial

Next, as long as you have either sudo or root privileges, you shoudl run the command sudo apt-get update -y to update your VM

Once done, install docker using either sudo apt-get install -y docker or for some reason mine didn't install until I used sudo apt install -y docker.io

UPDATE - docker.io is an older version of a docker installer, it's prefered we do something else to install

Once the programs are installed, we want to perform our build. Because at the time of this writing we have not achieved CI / CD / CD, we are going to do

sudo docker run -d -p 8080:5000 wmc81294/docker-cloud-test python3 unh698.py

it states that we want to run the container in a detached state, funnel all traffic from port 8080 of the host OS to the container's port 5000, using the image from docker cloud from a specified user's repo, use python3 to run the file unh698.py as soon as it's started, and continuously run.

How to delete docker images and containers

WARNING - this will delete all images and containers, and it will not be recoverable

# Delete all containers
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
# Delete all images
docker rmi $(docker images -q)

Wireshark command

sudo -g wireshark wireshark-gtk

Other Resources



Docker Cloud Example for COMP 698 in UNH Manchester


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