wesm / wesm

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Most people know me as the creator of pandas, but I also co-created Apache Arrow and Ibis. I am now a Principal Architect at Posit PBC. I am a Member of the Apache Software Foundation. I was previously CTO and co-founder at Voltron Data and remain a Senior Advisor. Before that I worked at Two Sigma Investments, Cloudera, and co-founded DataPad.

I blog occasionally on my personal website.

You can sponsor me with GitHub Sponsors. I donate at least $1000 each year to NumFOCUS to support pandas and also encourage you to consider donating there, too.

My book Python for Data Analysis is in its 2nd edition and is a great introduction to the Python data stack (IPython, NumPy, pandas, and matplotlib). I'm currently working on the 3rd edition and expect it to be out in 2022.
