wesley309 / androidre

Reverse engineering Android

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What's this?

This repository contains 3 docker images for the reverse engineering of Android applications.

  1. Android RE tools: cryptax/android-re:2022.03 (1.7 GB). This image contains reverse engineering tools.
  2. Dexcalibur: cryptax/dexcalibur:2021.05. Contains Dexcalibur. Particularly useful for users whose OS does not support Dexcalibur...
  3. Obsolete and broken: Android emulators: cryptax/android-emu:2021.01 (3.4 GB). This image contains the Android SDK and emulators.

Disclaimer: Please use responsibly.

Download / Install

You are expected to download those containers via docker pull:

  • docker pull cryptax/android-re:2022.03
  • docker pull cryptax/dexcalibur:2021.05

If you wish to build the images locally: docker-compose build. This will build both images. If you only want to build one, add its name (see docker-compose.yml) e.g docker-compose build android-retools

Run the containers

Running dexcalibur

docker run --rm --network=host -v /tmp/dexcalibur:/workshop -it cryptax/dexcalibur:2021.05 /bin/bash

Running android-re or android-emu

Use docker-compose:

  • Start Android RE tools container: docker-compose up -d android-retools
  • Start Android emulator container: docker-compose up -d android-emulators
  • Stop both containers: docker-compose stop
  • To stop only one container, same as starting it: add its name at the end of the command.

Using the containers

Note that:

  • Each Docker container exports a SSH port and a VNC port.
  • The Android RE tools container exposes a port for NodeJS in addition.
  • It is useful to share a local directory with /workshop in the container to easily read/write files.

Once the containers are up and running, you can connect using SSH or VNC. The default credentials are root/mypass but you are encouraged to modify this (in docker-compose.yml).

For SSH:

  • Be certain to specify the port. For SSH, it is ssh -p PORT, for scp scp -P PORT.
  • Make sure to use X11 Forwarding. This is -X option for ssh.


$ xhost +
$ ssh -p 5022 -X root@

For VNC, install a VNC viewer, then:

$ vncviewer

Android emulators image (android-emu)

It contains:

  • Android SDK
  • Android emulator 5.1 ARM
  • Android emulator 11 x86_64

See ~/.bashrc for aliases to run those emulators. See Dockerfile.emulators if you wish to customize.

Android x86_64 emulator

The "normal" Android emulators emulate ARM architecture. If your host uses Intel x86 and supports hardware virtualization instructions, you can use the Android emulator for x86, which will be much faster. The Dockerfile installs the necessary packages, yet, for this option to work, you must:

  • Have an Intel x86-64 processor on your host which supports virtualization (e.g Intel VT)
  • Launch the container with the --privileged option.

Android tools image (android-re)

Those are open source tools, or free demos. They are installed in /opt.


  • Running a container locally (without SSH or VNC):
$ docker run -it --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix cryptax/android-re:latest /bin/bash


Previous versions of this docker image has been used in several workshops (Hack.lu, Insomnihack, Nuit du Hack, GreHack).

Workshop samples are provided to participants by other means. This image does not provide any Android sample.


Reverse engineering Android


Language:Reason 65.6%Language:Python 25.4%Language:Shell 9.1%