weskerfoot / DeleteFB

Automate Scrubbing your Facebook Presence

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Delete Hidden Conversations

maxexcloo opened this issue · comments

Is it possible to add support for deleting hidden convos?

Hmm, I had never considered that. If I get time I can take a look at the code and try to get it working.

The code depends on the mobile version of the site though, and it appears if I go to https://mobile.facebook.com/messages/?folder=action%3Aarchived&refid=11 it shows no results, even though I can see "hidden" (archived) chats in the desktop version of the site.

Looks like for some reason they don't support this feature on the mobile version of the site. I'm not sure what a good workaround would be other than unarchiving everything.

I managed to do it using Selenium IDE on the desktop version. My template is attached in case it helps anyone else :)

Delete Messages.side.zip